An insurance premium is a monthly or annual payment made to an insurance company for coverage. An insurance bill is a statement sent by the insurance company detailing the amount due for coverage. To pay down insurance bills, one can make payments on the insurance premium. Additionally, increasing the amount of the deductible (the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in) on the policy can also lower the overall cost of the insurance bill.
There are several options for paying down insurance bills, including:
- Online payments: Many insurance companies allow policyholders to make payments online through their website.
- Automatic payments: Policyholders can set up automatic payments with their insurance company, so that their bills are paid automatically each month.
- Mailing a check: Policyholders can mail a check to their insurance company to pay their bill.
- Phone payments: Some insurance companies allow policyholders to make payments over the phone.
- Bank drafts or EFT: Policyholders can authorize the insurer to draft payments from their bank account.
- Credit or debit card payments: Policyholders can use a credit or debit card to pay their bill through the insurance company's website or over the phone.
All of these options allow policyholders to pay down their insurance bills and keep their coverage in force.